Home deploying and maintaining something like this easily

deploying and maintaining something like this easily

This guide is for my friend to make a quick personal site. There are lots of great tutorials out there; however, I didn’t see anything concise enough that included all steps. We will:

  • Use Jekyll as the framework for heavy lifting
  • Deploy with GitHub pages
  • Not spend money or time, go play with your dog
  1. Create a new GitHub repo with your Jekyll scaffolding
    • Click to use the basic theme I use. Upgrading is easy
  2. If you want to pull locally
    1. Install Jekyll and Git
    2. Start the server with bundle exec jekyll s
  3. Deploy repo with GitHub actions
    1. Ensure it’s public
    2. Click Settings > Pages > Source > GitHub actions

New commits will kick off the GH actions deployment to <YOUR GITHUB USERNAME>.github.io. That’s it!


If you want to spend a few bucks and use a domain name

  • Configure your DNS records as follows:
Host nameTypeTTLData 
<YOURWEBSITE>.comA1 hour185.199.109.153
  • In your GH repo, click Settings > Pages and add your site to the Custom Domain field in with the syntax <YOURWEBSITE>.com

Ghost is a cool alternative to this method. Apparently, you can publish Obsidian to it; however, Ghost costs $$$. 😞


If you know of a more simple way to do this, please let us know in the comments!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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